My name is Howard Parsons and I've been a certified Mermaid Geek since the age of five. Garrett has graciously invited me to be an author here on the MerBlog. I'm a software engineer and have my own blog-site called "The Parsons' Rant" at where I blog about technology, whatever comes to mind and . . . . "Mer-fiction".
I write reviews of the books I read - or at least the good ones - and post them on my site, Goodreads and now I'll be posting selected reviews here on the MerBlog as well. Most of the "Mer-fiction" I review fall into the Young Adult category. I find young adult fiction to -usually - be fresh, exciting and most of all, fun. I've reached the age where my nightmares are now about retirement rather than high school so it is indeed quite a bit of fun to read stories aimed at that demographic.
Another thing I've started doing on my site is interviewing authors. I published on my first one on October 10th and have another one in the works for early November. Because of the layout that I'm currently using for the interviews, copying and re-posting here just isn't going to work very well. I will, however, announce when an interview has published and post a short-link for visitors to follow. I have a total of 4 authors lined up for interviews and am on the look-out for more.

That's enough for this time. I hope to be able drop in and pay a visit from time to time.
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