Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Once Upon A Time's Ariel (Almost) Cast?

Remember yesterday when I blogged about ABC's fairytale-themed show Once Upon a Time including Ariel as one of the characters? Well, not only are they pursuing a storyline for The Litle Mermaid, but it looks like they've got someone in mind to play the Disney heroine as well.
The casting directors appear to be chasing down Joanna Garcia to play Ariel. I've never heard of the actress before, but from her overall appearance, it looks like she would be able to capture Ariel's carefree and bubble personality quite well. Plus, she's a redhead, and we all know how much Ariel's hair is her signature trademark.
Do you think Joanna Gsrcia would be able to successfully play Ariel on Once Upon a Time?


  1. cool , she played in privileged and reba

  2. Yeah, She looks good for it! I'm waiting for the Peter Pan episode!!!!

  3. No I don't like her n her hair isent even red her eyes aren't blue scarlet johanson I love her she's got great red hair pale skin n really pretty joanna is uggs

  4. I LOVE HER!!!!! She would be fantastic as Ariel!!!! Tom Welling and Morgan Fairchild for Eric and Ursula too!!!!

  5. Scratch that someone on the show's wikia page says that Holland Rodan who plays Lydia Martin on "Teen Wolf" is playing Ariel on Season 2.
